
Most recent items
API 15/06/2004 Verify if there is another open instance of the database we are opening
Tricks 2/06/2004 How to create new instances of class modules from a referenced mdb or mde file
Downloads 1/06/2004 FileDialog. Class for Open file or Select folder dialog box for Access 97 and Access 2000
Downloads 26/05/2004 GradientMdi. Draw a gradient in the background Access window... and a image too
Downloads 17/4/2004 InputBoxEx. InputBox with password characters ... and other things
Tricks 17/4/2004 Get the first available number for a sequential field with correlative numbers (keeping in mind the gaps left because of erased records)
Downloads 17/4/2004 Advance on recovering records. Looking at advance of the recovery of records from an ADO recordset
Tricks 28/10/2003 BackUpBackEnd. Make a back up of the back end (only one database)
WSH/FSO 26/10/2003 wshNetworkProperties. Get easily the PC's name, domain's name and user name with WSH
WSH/FSO 26/10/2003 Change the default printer (WSH)
WSH/FSO 26/10/2003 wshPrinters. Get the names of the printers (WSH)
WSH/FSO 25/10/2003 wshMsgBox. Another MsgBox (WSH)
WSH/FSO 25/10/2003 wshRun. Run an application or a document (WSH)
WSH/FSO 25/10/2003 Get the special folders path (WSH)
WSH/FSO 25/10/2003 Get a file attributes (FSO)
WSH/FSO 25/10/2003 Get a file properties(FSO)
WSH/FSO 25/10/2003 Get drive names and their properties (FSO)
Tricks 24/10/2003 Change an hipertext field so it send e-mail rather than open a web page
Downloads 24/10/2003 CompactOnClose. Access 97. Automatically compact a database when it closes
Downloads 19/10/2003 Get/SetOption. Correct sintax for Get/SetOption method
Downloads 18/10/2003 Reports within a form. How to view a report within a form
Tricks 16/10/2003 Show the windows desktop using VBA
Downloads 12/10/2003 PageSetup. Classes to configure print properties for reports and forms
Tricks 11/10/2003 Using Access progress bar and status bar
Downloads 5/10/2003 FindDialog. Class to control the "Find and Replace" Access dialog
API 4/10/2003 Activating and deactivating keyboard keys (CapsLock, Insert, NumLock)
API 4/10/2003 Deactivate menu options in Access main window
Tricks 25/9/2003 Pause in your code
Tricks 21/9/2003 Adding two or more hour values and have a result in more than 23:59:59 if neccessary
Tricks 21/9/2003 Create or modify database properties
Tricks 21/9/2003 Export more than one table or query to the same excel work book using VBA
Tricks 21/9/2003 Export a table or query to an existing excel work book
Tricks 21/9/2003 Close all the open forms . Seems to be easy, but ...
Tricks 21/9/2003 Moving a text in form's control (like in a web page)
API 19/9/2003 Get all the files and folders - with their respective files and folders as well - from a given path
WizHook 19/9/2003 Properties and methods of WizHook class (for Access 2000 and above)
WSH/FSO 19/9/2003 Get all the files and folders - with their respective files and folders as well - from a given path (FSO)
API 8/9/2003 Get an API "About" dialog
E-mail Last update 15/06/2004     © Juan M. Afán de Ribera